Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Post Secret

For the longest time now I have been going online early Sundays to check out this next site. If you haven't heard of it, it's high time you did.

Post Secret

It's basically as the name suggests, secrets sent to Frank by snail mail.  There are so many interesting confessions on this site that I often question if some of them are real. They range from being very personal and touching, to silly and goofy confessions. 

No matter what, they're anonymous and they let the sender pour their heart out. Most of them are done in the senders creative voice, and they express their secret or confession in their own meaningful way. 

The Post Secret website, has been so popular that there are at least 3 books with it's namesake.  The feeling behind this website is generous and loving, and you never really know what another person is going through. Give it a look .  It's definitely worth it.


Should you feel inclined to send your secret here's the address: 
PostSecret, 13345 Copper Ridge Road, Germantown, MD 20874

Pointer Pointer !

This site is just plain fun !!

Do you have a few minutes to kill ? This website couldn't be more pointless, or maybe that's the point.

Well, anyway all you have to do it navigate on to the website and move your mouse around, and you'll find out what happens next.

I really love that there is a different picture for just about any spot on the site. Take a quick look and you'll see what I mean.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Painting a Song

If music soothes the savage beast, this website kills two birds with one stone. 

Painting and music all in one.

As I was cruising around reddit, I found a song by Labuat called Soy Tu Aire (I'm your air).  It is actually a catchy song, and the only words I could personally make out were water and kisses ( so much for Spanish).  Apparently it is a love song, and is very sweet.  Thanks Paola for telling me.

While the song plays you get to paint along with the singer. Depending on how you "feel" the song you can make crazy erratic brush strokes while the song gets more intense, and you can slow down when it gets sower.  All along the way there are beautiful graphics that coincide with the song.

Oh, and I can't forget that while you are painting the song it is being recorded so, you can watch yourself, or paint a whole new experience.

 Enjoy !!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Desktop Blues

I'm ramblin rollin, drunk'n humming and boy I've got the blues.

Well, no I don't but the desktop blues man does ! He sure wants to sing them to you.

The desktop blues is a fun, interactive way for you to create your own blues.  Our blues man has guitar strums and bluesy ramblings that you can play with as well as a radio by his side.  I really liked that he sings a lot of general licks.  Playing with this blues man is a fun way for me to let my inner Howlin' Wolf come out.

From now on, you can call me....

Howlin' Katie, and I'm playing the blues.... kinda.



Monday, March 3, 2014

100 Years of Rock ( in less than a minute)

Hey! Lend me your ear for a minute.

 I know everyone out there likes some form of music or another, we all have varying styles to suit our moods. What is your favourite ? 

Country ? Or could it be jazz ? How about folk? Maybe you're not into that. What about some hard rock to get you groovin' ?

Well, no matter what you are into, this website delves into the roots of your particular genre.  It chronicles music from pre 1900's - 2000.  It's got all of the bases covered.

From:  Spirituals - Appalachian Folk - Mathcore - Shoegaze

Yeah, I don't know what that is either, but as you navigate through the music you can click on any heading lo' and behold it shows you what preceeds it, and what came from it.

For instance, if you click Folk Rock, the aarows dance around the page and reach up to tell you where it's roots are (Anglo Celtic-Folk, Blues and is spawned Southern Rock).  Now you can hear similarities that you may have never noticed before. Another beauty part of this website is that it plays a prime example of the genre.  So, now you know Mathcore is sung by The Dillinger Escape Plan and is very, very loud.

Take a minute and explore your musical roots, maybe you'll find another genre that will float your boat.


One of my favourites :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

In Bflat

What can I say about in Bb.  I am no music expert, but this is such an interesting concept.   

In Bb was created as a collaborative music/ spoken word project, by Darren Solomon.  The music is contributed by users and can be played on it's own, or all at once.  

In a sense it allows you to be a conductor, or producer.  Personally, I picked my favourite instruments and then explored after.  There is an endless array of mixes you can produce, each one flows so well with the other. You have control of the sound, timing and instrument. 

I really, really liked it and was captivated immediately.  You are really only stopped by your own creativity.  

What kind of music will you make ? 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Far Out

* far out; a statement of approval.  It can mean OK, good, wonderful, amazing, or out of the ordinary.

One of the most common used words out of the 60's, granted it's taken on a new meaning, but far out expresses the next web page I have stumbled across ( thanks to reddit)

Do you ever wonder where we fit in on the grand scheme of things? We as a species are always putting ourselves at the top of the class, so to speak.  This little diddy will quietly put you in place.  

Developed by professional astronomers, we can see the scale of the universe, from the smallest dust mite, to the mightiest mountains and beyond and all you have to do is scroll.  It starts on the human sized scale and moving to the left or right will adjust the size of the elements in the universe.  A simple right click provides some detail on each item that appears in front of you.   

It's definitely far out. 

* Is a definition that I got from this wicked book

Monday, February 3, 2014

Like a Rolling Stone

Hello, I have decided on a theme for this blog. It took me a while to even come up with a topic. Silly, I know. So I have decided to post things here that I like (how original). Maybe you'll like them as well. I figured that since I spend a lot of time on the interwebs and have seen some neat things, that I should find, and post the best of the best, weirdest of the weirdest and questionable links.

 For my first interesting link (from my POV), is .......


That's right, Bob Dylan. This is the coolest video compilation I have ever seen. Stick with it, because there is about 8 (or so) "channels" - give or take, and they all have great production value, celebrities and they're just downright compelling.

So, what makes this video interesting is the fact that it's one song, with 8+ "channels" there is the History Channel, Much Music 2 , BBC News, Just For Kids, Sports and many more.

Each "channel" is streaming at the same time, so you can change channel and the music doesn't stop playing. Each "channel" has something to do with the song, and they are all flushed out videos. I love the interaction with the song, and as a user I love that I can control what I want to see, and when I see it. I really like this concept and I had this on repeat so many times just so I could catch things I didn't see the first few times around.

 I got a huge kick out of it,   I hope you will too


Monday, January 6, 2014


So, today in class we decided to create a blog. Something I've never done before. This is my first foray into the blogging atmosphere, and I don't know what to expect let alone talk about. Who in the world will be looking at this ? I suppose that is for personal growth and learning, since it is for school learning is my guess. Thanks Tina !! I hope I'm not too boring See you soon, Katie B